Sometimes I wonder where this is all going. Times are scary. People are losing their homes and their jobs. I wonder if I will be next. (not losing our home... but being unemployed) There are wars, and there is poverty, and the stock market keeps falling and falling and falling. I heard on the news today, "Has the stock market fallen as far as it can go?" I screamed at the television, NO! Unfortunately - no....
Sometimes I wonder... what my life would be like if I lived in a different country. In a country where women were considered second class citizens, and where we didn't have the same rights that we do in the wonderful USA. What would my days be like? Would I know that I wasn't being treated fairly? Or would I just "take it" and not know the difference?
Sometimes I wonder... what would it be like if we didn't have freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of religion. That would not be an experience I would want to have. Even though many of us in the U.S. disagree with each other when it comes to politics and religion - it is so nice to know that THAT is our right! We live a great country.
Sometimes I wonder... what life would be like if it were like the John Lennon song, "Imagine". Peace and love and everyone happy and living together in harmony. That would be such a beautiful thing. I wonder if I will ever have an opportunity to experience life like that in the years I have left on this Earth? Probably not. But, that really WOULD be wonderful.
I don't know... maybe I'm just getting older. Maybe I'm just nostalgic for life as it was when I was young and carefree and didn't worry about these things.
I know that I feel blessed to be surrounded by my family, and to have the most wonderful friends, and that we all have our health. I feel blessed that I have a job that I enjoy and that I have a roof over my head and food on my table. But, I kinda like living in denial and not thinking about all the bad things that happen in the world. As I said to my friend the other day, "I rather enjoy living in CindyLand where everyone is happy and there isn't a care in the world."
I'll close for now... I'm headed back to "CindyLand". Have a happy weekend!