Gorgeous Multnomah Falls along the Columbia River Gorge - just east of Portland.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Waterfall Tour
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sentimental Sunday No. 4

We got checked in and were given the keys to our room. I was teaching John how to count and to recognize his numbers, so I showed him the room number when we got off the elevator and told him to go find the room. We toddled down the hall, with him stopping at most doors, until he we found the correct room. As Richard put the key in the door, John pushed past him and ran into the room. He stood in the middle of the room, hands on his hips, turned around a couple of times looking at everything and exclaimed, “Niiiiiiice”. He was already developing discerning tastes and loves to travel to this day – but only the finest accommodations will do!
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Ziff Girls Arrive!

It's been a fun trip so far, filled with lots of laughs - and a good amount of Guitar Hero. Today we are off to Silver Falls, and tomorrow Multnomah Falls and OMSI.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sentimental Sunday - No. 3

My dad and I had special things that we did together – just the two of us. Going to the movies together was one of them. We went to see Jaws; I was almost 16. We both had our popcorn and our sodas. We sat in the darkened theater and were totally involved in the movie. At one point I got startled; I jumped and screamed and dumped my entire coke in my Dad’s lap. I remember looking over at him, handing him all the napkins I had, telling him how sorry I was. And, in that darkened theater he looked back at me and uttered one of his famous sayings, “Cindy Lynn, you’re about as handy as pockets in long underwear.” I laugh about it now, because I can remember that look on his face. He wasn’t all too happy with me, but what are you going to do?
Some of Dad’s other favorite sayings to me were:
- You’re like a bull in china shop
- You’re as handy as a screen door on a submarine
He called me “Petunia” and “Daddy’s Little Sweetie Pie”.
Love you Dad!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
One Week To Go....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sentimental Sunday - No. 2

Anyway, this was the year that mom decided to try something new, which is never a good idea when company is coming. She had seen a recipe for making the cake icing with sweetened condensed milk – Eagle Brand. Now, I absolutely LOVE Eagle Brand! My baby formula was made with it – so it truly is like mother’s milk to me. But let me just state for the record… not a good idea for making cake icing.

My cake looked beautiful, but after Happy Birthday was sung and my candles had been blown out, it was time to cut my cake. I vividly remember that when my Mom cut into the cake and pulled the knife across the length of it (it was a 9 x 13 pan) the cake icing pulled off the top of the cake right along with the knife. She laughed it off, said that the knife must be sticky, so she went and got a glass of water and dipped the knife into it. Unfortunately, when she made the second cut the exact same thing happened. I was so embarrassed. Funny how small things seem so momentous when we’re younger. The icing never did cling to the cake; it just laid on top as a completely separate layer.
I don’t remember how the cake tasted, or really much else about that party, only the icing incident. As good of a cook as my mom was – she did have some disasters. Like the time she made a delicious apple pie for dessert when we had company over for dinner. It looked beautiful – but she couldn’t cut through the crust, no matter how hard she tried. My dad, in his funny way said – I have an idea! He went out to the garage and came back in with a skill saw! Everyone thought that was pretty funny… except for my Mom. I think we ended up just having the vanilla ice cream for dessert that night.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
American Idol - Week One

We sure enjoyed the show last night. Tonight is the elimination round. Hopefully none of these five will be leaving just yet. We're keeping our fingers crossed for them to make it into the finals!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sentimental Sunday
Maurine Esther Moses - March 1, 1895 to July 29, 1974

Grandma played piano in bars, and picked up work where she could find it. Much of this time was during the Depression. One thing that she was very good at was secretarial work. She could take dictation and type faster than anyone I’ve ever seen. She supported herself all of her adult life. She worked until she was 74. A truly amazing woman that I looked up to – and miss very much!
When Grandma went to work she was always dressed fashionably. She wore high heels, beautiful dresses, and nice coats. Gloves were required in those days – and she had many pair. When she would get home after work she always came to our house first. She lived right up the street from us, but came to our house for dinner every night. I loved my Grandma very much, and I would get very excited when she got home. One of my favorite things to do was to play dress up. And, so with my held very high, with an empty ice cream carton on top, I would don my Grandmothers good coat and gloves and play dress up. She never worried that I would get anything on her good clothes; she was happy to let me play!

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Gumbo YaYa

Monday, March 2, 2009
Adoption Day!

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