Friday, August 12, 2011


One of my blogging friends in cyber-space, Jason, just posted a great story about his recent "glamping" trip.  Those of you that really know me, know that I have NO desire to EVER go camping.  The words camping, and roughing it, just aren't this Princess' vocabulary.  But after reading about Jason's adventure - I just might be considering this new alternative.... "Glamping".

Read his adventure HERE.  He had me at electricity, wood floor, beds and fine wine!


Patty said...

I'm with you, Glamping might not be too bad. LOL One of my bosses a few years back loves camping, hunting, hiking and etc. He said his wives idea of roughing it is to have the bedroom window open several inches. LOL I told him, I'm with her.

Jason, as himself said...

Awwww, thanks! I'm sure you would like it. If I liked it, you would like it.

I didn't even get dirty! And did I mention there is a restaurant? Yet, it felt like the wilderness to me.

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