Saturday, August 9, 2008

I Love Lucy

I grew up watching "I Love Lucy".

I remember summer weekday mornings, my mom and I enjoying breakfast together, while we watched "I Love Lucy" reruns. I've seen them all more than a few times. J.J. has seen a few episodes on TV, but yesterday I realized he hadn't seen "the best". This morning he was introduced to "Vitameatavegamin". I have several favorite episodes - but this is probably my most favorite. Watching it with my son - seeing him laugh and enjoy the wackiness that is Lucy - made this episode all the more enjoyable.

What's your favorite "I Love Lucy" episode?


Megan said...

That is great that you are exposing John to the classics. I love the one where they work in the chocolate factory.

Laura said...

The chocolate factory and when they were golfing with Bob Hope. HILARIOUS!!

Columbo said...

Yes, my favorite was the chocolate factory one. I couldn't eat chocolate for months after that.

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